
When we started the Avoidant Personality Research Center, our main purpose was to speak to those that have Avoidant Personality, offering them help and hope. We quickly  came to the realization though that Loved Ones are greatly affected by AVP as well. In fact, you can suffer just as much, or more than the one with AVP!

Phillip’s wife suffered because of his condition for 20 years. During Round One of his marriage, he was fully engulfed with Avoidant Personality. He treated his wife very badly.

He was struggling with his AVP and hurt her a lot. He never thought about how it was affecting her. Now he has found the Path to Recovery and he is happily married again  – Round Two.

If you are in a relationship with someone that has Avoidant Personality, or you suspect, has it, we highly recommend taking this quiz so you can determine to what extent you have been affected by it.

Once you find this out, then you can take the steps. Steps to protect and help yourself, help them and heal your relationship.

Take the Quiz

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